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세스코! 관리자님 영어 해석점
  • 작성자 급해요...
  • 작성일 2006.01.10
  • 문의구분 기타문의

장난치지 말구 진지하게 ㅎㅅㅎ
제발 부탁입니다. 이거 영어 해석점 해주세요
2006 일루와 영어 中3학년
Firea ants are a serious problem in Texas.

Fire ants are different from other kids of ants.

Fire ants are dangerous enough to cause death.

Fire ants usually live in the ground, but in the fall of 1981 when there were heavy rains in Texas, they tried to escape from the soaked ground.
They built their nests above the ground.

The nests were a foot high.

People began to bump againts the nests.

Sometimes the fire ants would sting people and a few of died from the sting of fire ants.