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Incerdible roaches
  • 작성자 Hawaii...
  • 작성일 2006.08.30
  • 문의구분 해충관련 문의

Please help us!

I am in Hawaii for English study. Yesterday I got new apartment and when I moved, I was totally shocked!
Incerdibly lots of roaches at every shelves!!!!

So I asked one of my neighbors and she said in this whole building there are roaches. She either tried to stop the roaches but, totally failed.

I used 2 RAID spraies in my apartment this morning and just left and then came here to ask CESCO.

What is the effective way to kill roaches at the roaches wherever place?

Hawaii... The cesco the service does not become.


It does not put roll up. The food or water.

The roaches insect does quite well.

It informs the name of the medicine from this place and there is not a possibility.

It is sorry. There is not a possibility of helping you.

답변일 2006.08.30