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세스코의 궁금한 부분을 상세히 답변드리겠습니다.
do u know a roach?
  • 작성자 Roach
  • 작성일 2006.09.12
  • 문의구분 해충관련 문의

I live in Bang-Ba Dong, Seoul.

In my house, there are lots of roaches.

They are pretty strong, also they look red.

We could find everywhere in my house which are kitchen, bathroom even the bedroom.

I dont know what to do now.

I tried to kill them, but I couldnt...

So, I gave up now, could you help me, please?

I would like to kill all of them.

Please, I am waiting your answer.

Call Us, 1588-1119

답변일 2006.09.12