세스코맨이 그렇게 답변을 잘해준다면서요?
Jane started her working career at the age of twenty. Years went by, and Jane wondered if anybody was ever going to ask her to do anything more challenging than count. Her job was to monitor the assembly lines at a cosmetics manufacturer. Each hour she took notes of the production level of eac line and sent the information to the floor manager. She counted output, matched it with a count of materials used, and then did it all over again. Nobody asked her why the lines were slow or fast. That wasnt her fob. Just count.
Over the course of five years, Jane took notes of a hundred factors that influenced the pace of the lines, factors she knew nobody else was paying attention to. For one, if the volume on the radio system was too low, the workers spoke to each other more often, slowing down their pace.
The general manager casually asked her one time how things were going, expecting a generic response. He nearly fell over when jane said production was down two percent and offered a list of the three most likely explanations. Jane finally became visible to management, and she was promoted to a job where she could put to use many of the observations shed made over the years
세스코맨, 그럼 이건 어때. 해석해줘요.
요즘 취업난때문에 번듯한 대학교 나와도 쓰레기 치우는 일 면접보려고 환장하던데 세스코맨님들은 얼마나 사회의 엘리트인거임?
저 엘리트라고 한 적 없습니다.
그저 경험과 지속적인 노력에 의한 한 것이죠.
그리고 잘 잊어버리기 때문에 자료를 항상 옆에 끼고 삽니다. ^^;
수학, 물리, 지구과학이 제일 싫어 했던 과목이고요,
영어실력도 남들보다 처집니다. ㅡㅡ^
서울대 영문과에 다니시는 분이 이렇게 해석을 해달라고 하면 난감하죠. ㅡㅡ;